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  5. Action Hooks

Action Hooks

  1. wprobo_ccp_twilio_before_send_otp
  2. wprobo_ccp_twilio_before_carrier_lookup
  3. wprobo_ccp_twilio_before_send_message
  4. wprobo_ccp_twilio_before_send_custom_otp
  5. wprobo_ccp_twilio_before_verify_otp
  6. wprobo_ccp_twilio_handle_twilio_exception
  7. wprobo_ccp_twilio_handle_twilio_success


This action hook is used to perform any action before sending the OTP to the customer.


Defined In

File: cryptocartpro/src/ThirdParties/Twilio/Twilio.php
Function: send_otp


This action hook is used to perform any action before performing the carrier lookup.

Defined In

File: cryptocartpro/src/ThirdParties/Twilio/Twilio.php
Function: carrier_lookup


This action hook is used to perform any action before sending the message to the customer.

Defined In

File: cryptocartpro/src/ThirdParties/Twilio/Twilio.php
Function: send_message


This action hook is used to perform any action before sending the custom OTP to the customer.

Defined In

File: cryptocartpro/src/ThirdParties/Twilio/Twilio.php
Function: send_custom_otp


This action hook is used to perform any action before verifying the OTP.

Defined In

File: cryptocartpro/src/ThirdParties/Twilio/Twilio.php
Function: verify_otp


This action hook is used to perform any action when the Twilio API throws an exception.

Defined In

File: cryptocartpro/src/ThirdParties/Twilio/Twilio.php
Function: handle_twilio_exception


This action hook is used to perform any action when the Twilio API returns a success response.

Defined In

File: cryptocartpro/src/ThirdParties/Twilio/Twilio.php
Function: handle_twilio_success

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